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Showing posts from August, 2020

Axial Ratio Axial Ratio Circular polarization conversion (CP)

Axial Ratio Circular polarization conversion (CP)  Axial Ratio Axial Ratio Circular polarization conversion (CP) of the proposed Metasurface is further established by the axial ratio (AR) of the reflected wave,                                          𝐴𝑅 = ( |𝑅𝑦𝑦| 2 +|𝑅𝑥𝑦| 2 +√𝑎 |𝑅𝑦𝑦| 2 +|𝑅𝑥𝑦| 2 −√𝑎 ) 0.5  Where                          a = (|Ryy| 4 + |Rxy| 4 + 2|Ryy| 2 |Rxy| 2 cos(2ΔØyx)                                                                   and ∆∅𝐲𝐱 = ∅𝐲𝐲 − ∅𝐱𝐲  The reflection coefficient of the design surface is shown in Figure. The co-polarized and cross-polarized reflected waves have the same magnitude at 9.6 GHz and 17 GHz is 0.7. The surface behaves at these points as a CP which converts the linear EM wave into a circular EM wave. The numerical value of the axial ratio is shown in Figure. At 9.6 GHz and 17 GHz, the axial ratio value is lower than the 3dB dotted black line which shows that the design surface has the ability of CPC, to convert 9.6

How to Design || A broadband cross-polarization conversion anisotropic metasurface based on multiple plasmon resonances

  A broadband cross-polarization conversion anisotropic metasurface  based on multiple plasmon resonances. A compact broadband cross-polarization conversion metasurface functioning in the microwave regime is realized and experimentally demonstrated. The metasurface consists of a two-dimensional periodic arrangement of anisotropic double-slit split-ring-resonator-based unit cells printed on top of a dielectric substrate, backed by metallic cladding. The proposed metasurface converts an x- or y-polarized wave into its orthogonal polarization over a fractional bandwidth of 100% from 5-15 GHz, both for normal as well as oblique incidence. Moreover, the sub-wavelength unit-cell size, thin dielectric substrate, and unique unit-cell design collectively make the response of the metasurface the same for both polarizations and insensitive to the incidence angle. The designed structure is fabricated and tested. The measurement and simulation results are found to be consistent with each other. The